20 Dutch Landana Jersey cheese tulips

Preparation time: 15 min.

These colorful tulips are very easy to make and will add a festive touch to your spread. We like serving these tulips as a snack, a treat or as party food. Delightfully different and typically Dutch, guaranteed to get the party started.


  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 wedge of Landana Jersey Gouda OLD
  • 20 cocktail sticks


  1. Wash the cucumber. Cut it in half and remove the seeds, so that they look like little leaves.
  2. Wash and peel the carrots. Cut two triangles out of the carrot, resembling a capital W, until the carrot starts to look like the flowery part of a tulip.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes slightly larger than a die.
  4. First, slide the carrot onto your cocktail stick. Next, slide the cucumber onto the stick, before poking the other end into a cube of Landana Jersey cheese.
  5.  Serve right away or refrigerate until ready to serve.


See OTHER recipes:

Landana Jersey Gouda